Anybody who as gone on line to value there vinyl record collection will soon realise that obtaining an accurate valuation can be a little confusing. Firstly there is a wide variation in price for the same item and very often many different versions of the same record. Also a records condition has a considerable impact on a items value.
Like every collectors market the value is ruled by supply and demand so if a large number of people are after an item which only exists in very small numbers this will usually result in it being of high value. Oppositely if very large numbers of an item exists this will reduce its value.
A perfect example of an item in very high demand is Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon and although even the first issues survive in relatively high numbers they can still fetch several hundred pounds.
Has I mentioned previously condition is all important when valuing a record. The “Who” album “ My Generation” is valued very high in the “Record Collector book” but is relatively common in poor condition. This was a party record which was taken to plenty of lively parties and often suffered for its heavy usage. What is difficult to find is a clean copy, near mint copies can sell for hundreds of pounds where has battery copies can sell for has little has twenty pounds.
There are several sites which you can use for valuation Popsike and Discogs probably the most popular. Popsike lists records that have sold on popular auction sites although be aware they show both the highest value and more importantly the average value. Also Discogs value for items sold,is more accurate than those for sale.
Most people will be reticent to tell you how much they are willing to offer unless they have viewed the records, record grading can be very subjective so potential buyer will always prefer to view before making an offer.
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